Submission Guidelines

The preferred method for submitting your story/tip/aha is to attach it as a Word format document.
You can copy and paste it into the submission box if it is less than 500 words or type it directly into the submission box, again if it is less than 500 words.
By email either with a Word attachment or typed directly in plain type in the body of the email. You must include all your contact details as per the submission form and state that you have read and agree to the contents of the disclaimer.
Least preferred method is by old fashion snail mail but we’re still more than happy to receive it this way. If posting please include all your contact details, photo if sending, and note to acknowledge that you have read and agreed to the contents of the disclaimer.
It should be no longer than 1200 words but can be as short as one sentence or even one word.
The meaning of life
Victor Frankel – Man’s Search for Meaning 1959′
It can be written as a poem, a work of art or a photograph that clearly depicts your message/Wisdom. Your Wisdom is as unique as is your delivery method.
Your Wisdom is personal to you and can be filled with drama and emotion, evoking vivid images and feelings in the reader and, as such, personal stories are best written in the first person.
The intention of The Tribe of Elders is not to dictate a way or being or living but to offer possibilities, a template for life. A guide to completing the most beautiful, joyous, meaningful tapestry, filled with passion and love, victory and triumph. To b an inspirational guiding light on the path of life, to the benefit of all who resonate with, or feel inspired by, your words.
If only one person relates to your words or feels inspired by them, that person could be the person who makes all the difference. You might change the world, one person at a time.