Your Story
Your Wisdom, Etched in the Book of Life
A legacy for future generations.
This is an amazing opportunity to SHARE your greatest PEARL of wisdom to the benefit of the everyone.
You are a Wisdom Keeper and the experience you have gained throughout this lifetime is so precious. The path you trod is littered with golden nuggets, pearls of wisdom, gems of insight and moments of crystal clarity.
Treasure so great that when it is brought together with the treasure of others, the collective effects of this Wisdom will be so much greater than the sum of the individual parts.
So share your story, tell me your tips, your insights, your passions, your aha moments.
It might be one sentence, a throw away comment you were told when you were growing up that made an impact on your life;
the story of an event that changed your life for the better;
a co-incidence or chance meeting that offered you a different perspective;
an event or word that changed your life, gave it meaning, purpose & value.
You can share your story by clicking the link Submit Your Story Here. If you’d like to attach a photo – past or present – that would be fantastic.