The Wisdom Keepers

A Wisdom Keeper is anyone who has gained Wisdom and/or insight through a life event, reading a book, having an aha moment, working it out, doing the hard yards, taking inspired action, overhearing something, through meditation or prayer, fun, joy, laugher, community, ‘co-incidence’, accident, modeling (copying) someone you perceived to be doing it right or who ‘had it all’. When you suddenly got it, through accidental mentors at home, at work, in the church, in the club, on the battlefields, at the coffee morning, in the park, up a mountain, at the school gates, mothers group, Women’s Institute, RSL, Rugby Club, through family & friends – even enemies! through commitment, perseverance, endurance and tenacity.
Basically, anyone with a pearl of wisdom to share with the world, young or old, rich or poor, black, white, yellow or green, from every part of the world and any spiritual or religious persuasion. YOU! You are a Wisdom Keeper.