Aha! The Tribe


A year ago (2014), my father passed and with him passed all his knowledge, his wisdom, his insight, his history – and thus, a huge chunk of my history.  All the stories he’d told us over the years went with his final breath.  His tips, techniques and inspired action – gone.

So a year has flown by.  I’ve grieved the passing of a great mentor and now the time has come.  The time to act is now.  The time to share with you and the world the details of that ‘aha’moment.

Since time began we have regaled the stories that make up our history and our cultural beliefs and values.  These have been shared around many camp fires, kitchen tables and bars.  They have been referred to as folk lore, the Dreamtime, the Sagas, fairy tales, myths & legends and many other names throughout the world and throughout time.

These are the stories that sign post the way to living a better, more fulfilled, happier, authentic, passionate life, eliminating the necessity to re-invent the wheel.  It is the wisdom that had we only known this earlier …….. life would have been easier/happier/richer/…….. fill in the blank.

We all have these stories, we’re all Wisdom Keepers, young and old.  Included in that Wisdom is the wealth of experience that bears witness to the fact that if that hadn’t happened, or I’d turned left instead of right, bought the lottery ticket then this wouldn’t have happened, I wouldn’t have grown, become this, done that. The experience that lead you to learn the lesson, see the light, get the point.

All this Wisdom, this insight, all locked inside the individual Wisdom Keeper.  And when that Wisdom Keeper moves on it’s all lost. How tragic is that?  And how valuable a gift to the world this Wisdom would be if shared. What a powerful legacy.   I got the chills.

That was my ‘aha’ moment.  I would collate the stories, the wisdoms, the AHAs, the insights.  I would be the Anthologist who brings the Wisdom of the Elders to the world.

So I’m calling on all the Wisdom Keepers to release the Wisdom you’re Keeping inside and join the Tribe of Elders.

Definition of ELDER: an influential member of a tribe or community.

With the exponential speed in the advancement of technology this precious knowledge is in danger of getting lost in the melee.  It needs to collated now to preserve our heritage and to leave a map to guide future generations.

Act NOW!  Submit your story here.